
  • Олександр Буров провідний науковий співробітник НДІ інтелектуальної власності НАПрН України, доктор тенічних наук, Україна https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0733-1120




Ключові слова: людський капітал, дистанційна праця, кібербезпека, гібридна робо-
ча сила, цифрова економіка

У статті проведено аналіз чинників кібернебезпек для світової економічної систе-
ми, які проявилися за період пандемії та переходу економіки до «нової норми», в умо-
вах розширення цифровізації за такими аспектами: цифровізація та нові умови праці,
використання гібридної робочої сили, вплив біологічної пандемії та кіберпандемії на
зміни в економіці, чинники кіберзагроз для бізнесу. Обґрунтовано виникнення гіб-
ридної робочої екосистеми, її переваги та недоліки. Проаналізовано виникнення
кіберпандемії як результат стрімкої цифровізації внаслідок пандемії COVID-19 і пере-
ходу праці до дистанційної форми. Виділено найбільш вагомі чинники кібербезпеки
для успішної діяльності компаній.

Список використаних джерел

1.       Schwab K., Zahidi S. The Future of Jobs Report, October 2020. 2020 World Economic Forum. 163 pp. URL: www.weforum.org.


2.       Manavi J. The Next Normal: Building resilience in the post-COVID-19 workspace. Observer research foundation. Oct 20. 2020. URL: https://www.orfonline.org/expert-speak/next-normal-building-resilience-post-covid19-workspace.


3.       Shaping the Future of Digital Economy and New Value Creation. 2020 World Economic Forum. URL: https://www.weforum.org/platforms/shaping-the-future-of-digital-economy-and-new-value-creation.


4.       Resetting the Future of Work Agenda: Disruption and Renewal in a Post-COVID World. WHITE PAPER, October 2020.  2020 World Economic Forum. URL:http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_NES_Resetting_FOW_Agenda_2020.pdf.


5.       Бутнік-Сіверський О. Б. Економіко-правові перспективи активізації діяльності наукових парків на шляху до неоекономіки. Теорія і практика інтелектуальної власності. 2020. № 3. 82−96.


6.       Javed N. Future Economy: Upskilling Exporters & Reskilling Manufacturers. Modern Diplomacy. October 18. 2020. URL: https://moderndiplomacy.eu/ 2020/10/18 /future-economy-upskilling-exporters-reskilling-manufacturers/


7.       Gratton L. An Emerging Landscape of Skills for All. MIT Sloan Management Review. March 08, 2021. URL:https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/an-emerging-landscape-of-skills-for-all.


8.       Kozák, S., Ružický, E., Štefanovič, J., & Schindler, F. Research and education for industry 4.0: Present development. Cybernetics & Informatics (K&I). 2018. P.1−8.


9.       Kim Jinyoung and Park Cyn-Young: Education, Skill Training, and Lifelong Learning in the Era of Technological Revolution. Asian Development Bank  Economics Working Paper Series. # 606, (January 2020).


10.     Jesuthasan R., Chan Q. What talent means in the post-COVID-19 workplace. World Economic Forum. URL: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/




11.     Wiles J. Hybrid Workforce Models Speed Digital Transformation. 2020. https://www.gartner.com/smarterwithgartner/hybrid-workforce-models-speed-digital-transformation.


12.     Burov O., Bykov V., Lytvynova S. ICT evolution: from single computational tasks to modeling of life. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications, Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer, Vol-2393, 2020, pp. 170-177.  http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2393/paper_353.pdf.


13.     Lytvynova S., Burov O. Methods, forms and safety of learning in corporate social networks. ICTERI 2017 - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer".- CEUR-WS.-2017.-V.1844.-406-413.


14.     Vigliarolo B. Employees new to working remotely are a security risk. Security, June 22, 2020. URL: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/employees-new-to-working-remotely-are-a-security-risk.


15.     Биков В. Ю., Буров О. Ю., Дементієвська Н. П. Кібербезпека в цифровому навчальному середовищі. Інформаційні технології і засоби навчання. 2019. 2(70). С. 313−331. URL:https://journal.iitta.gov.ua/


index.php/itlt/article/view/2876 (https://doi.org/10.33407/itlt.v70i2.2876).


16.     Зайківський О., Оністрат О. Система національної  безпеки та питання інтелектуальної власності. Теорія і практика інтелектуальної власності. 2021. № 3. 39−47.


17.     Lavrov, E., Pasko, N., Siryk, O., Burov, O., Natalia, M. Mathematical Models for Reducing Functional Networks to Ensure the Reliability and Cybersecurity of Ergatic Control Systems. Proceedings - 15th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering, TCSET 2020, 2020, pp. 179–184.


18.     Spirin O., Burov O. Models and applied tools for prediction of student ability to effective learning. 14th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer.  CEUR-WS. 2018. V. 2104. 404−411.


19.     Буров О. Ю. Технології й інновації в діяльності людини ери інформації: людина та ІКТ. Інформаційні технології і засоби навчання. 2015. № 6 (50). С. 1−13.


20.     “China has won AI battle with U.S., Pentagon's ex-software chief says”. Reuters. - October 12, 2021. https://www.reuters.com/technology/united-states-has-lost-ai-battle-china-pentagons-ex-software-chief-says-2021-10-11/?utm_source=sfmc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2759998_Agenda_weekly-15October2021&utm_term=&emailType=Agenda%20Weekly.


21.     Puybaraud M. Could 'hybrid working' usher in a golden age for workers? 2021 World Economic Forum. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/01/hybrid-working-golden-age-of-the-worker.


22.     Are you ready for hybrid workplaces? 2021 World Economic Forum. URL: https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/are-you-ready-for-the-hybrid-workplace.


23.     Sagey M. Remote work carries massive cyber risks. These top IT tips can help keep your workers secure. 2021 World Economic Forum. URL: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/09/remote-work-cyber-risks-top-it-tips-keep-your-workers-secure.


24.     The Rise of Remote Workers: A Checklist for Securing Your Network. URL: https://i.crn.com/sites/default/files/ckfinderimages/userfiles/images/




25.     Kovacs E. Gartner: Global Security Spending Will Reach $150 Billion in 2021. SecurityWeek. 25.05.2021. URL: https://www.securityweek.com/gartner-global-security-spending-will-reach-150-billion-2021.


26.     2021 Norton Cyber Safety Insights Report. https://www.nortonlifelock.com/ us/en/newsroom/press-kits/2021-norton-cyber-safety-insights-report.


27.     2021 AWS Cloud Security Report. https://connect.fidelissecurity.com/rs/884-ZRZ-648/images/2021-AWS-Security-Report-CloudPassage-Final.pdf?mkt_tok=ODg0LVpSWi02NDgAAAGAKIUMbWC6Vd1WHctdFLm5fSnZNg9rQlroP_zZsDK2IDYsjQ7RGZEYwibqq9aCsWN7f6LFaiISy2hs93ogE-giY4JpnKagJfBxVuaqq8uS-ycO.


28.     Андрощук Г. Штучний інтелект: економіка, інтелектуальна власність, загрози. Теорія і практика інтелектуальної власності. 2021. № 2. С. 56−74. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33731/22021.236555.



1.       Schwab K., Zahidi S. The Future of Jobs Report, October 2020. 2020 World Economic Forum. 163 pp. URL: www.weforum.org.


2.       Manavi J. The Next Normal: Building resilience in the post-COVID-19 workspace. Observer research foundation. Oct 20. 2020. URL: https://www.orfonline.org/expert-speak/next-normal-building-resilience-post-covid19-workspace.


3.       Shaping the Future of Digital Economy and New Value Creation. 2020 World Economic Forum. URL: https://www.weforum.org/platforms/shaping-the-future-of-digital-economy-and-new-value-creation.


4.       Resetting the Future of Work Agenda: Disruption and Renewal in a Post-COVID World. WHITE PAPER, October 2020.  2020 World Economic Forum. URL:http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_NES_Resetting_FOW_Agenda_2020.pdf.


5.       Butnik-Siverskyi O. B. Ekonomiko-pravovi perspektyvy aktyvizatsii diialnosti naukovykh parkiv na shliakhu do neoekonomiky. Teoriia i praktyka intelektualnoi vlasnosti. 2020. № 3. 82−96.


6.       Javed N. Future Economy: Upskilling Exporters & Reskilling Manufacturers. Modern Diplomacy. October 18. 2020. URL: https://moderndiplomacy.eu/ 2020/10/18 /future-economy-upskilling-exporters-reskilling-manufacturers/


7.       Gratton L. An Emerging Landscape of Skills for All. MIT Sloan Management Review. March 08, 2021. URL:https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/an-emerging-landscape-of-skills-for-all.


8.       Kozák, S., Ružický, E., Štefanovič, J., & Schindler, F. Research and education for industry 4.0: Present development. Cybernetics & Informatics (K&I). 2018. P.1−8.


9.       Kim Jinyoung and Park Cyn-Young: Education, Skill Training, and Lifelong Learning in the Era of Technological Revolution. Asian Development Bank  Economics Working Paper Series. # 606, (January 2020).


10.     Jesuthasan R., Chan Q. What talent means in the post-COVID-19 workplace. World Economic Forum. URL: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/




11.     Wiles J. Hybrid Workforce Models Speed Digital Transformation. 2020. https://www.gartner.com/smarterwithgartner/hybrid-workforce-models-speed-digital-transformation.


12.     Burov O., Bykov V., Lytvynova S. ICT evolution: from single computational tasks to modeling of life. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications, Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer, Vol-2393, 2020, pp. 170-177.  http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2393/paper_353.pdf.


13.     Lytvynova S., Burov O. Methods, forms and safety of learning in corporate social networks. ICTERI 2017 - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer. CEUR-WS.2017. V. 1844. 406−413.


14.     Vigliarolo B. Employees new to working remotely are a security risk. Security, June 22, 2020. URL: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/employees-new-to-working-remotely-are-a-security-risk.


15.     Bykov V. Yu., Burov O. Yu., Dementiievska N. P. Kiberbezpeka v tsyfrovomu navchalnomu seredovyshchi. Informatsiini tekhnolohii i zasoby navchannia. 2019. 2(70). S. 313−331. URL:https://journal.iitta.gov.ua/


index.php/itlt/article/view/2876 (https://doi.org/10.33407/itlt.v70i2.2876).


16.     Zaikivskyi O., Onistrat O. Systema natsionalnoi  bezpeky ta pytannia intelektualnoi vlasnosti. Teoriia i praktyka intelektualnoi vlasnosti. 2021. № 3. 39−47.


17.     Lavrov, E., Pasko, N., Siryk, O., Burov, O., Natalia, M. Mathematical Models for Reducing Functional Networks to Ensure the Reliability and Cybersecurity of Ergatic Control Systems. Proceedings - 15th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering, TCSET 2020, 2020, pp. 179–184.


18.     Spirin O., Burov O. Models and applied tools for prediction of student ability to effective learning. 14th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer.  CEUR-WS. 2018. V. 2104. 404−411.


19.     Burov O. Yu. Tekhnolohii y innovatsii v diialnosti liudyny ery informatsii: liudyna ta IKT. Informatsiini tekhnolohii i zasoby navchannia. 2015. № 6 (50). S. 1−13.


20.     “China has won AI battle with U.S., Pentagons ex-software chief says”. Reuters. - October 12, 2021. https://www.reuters.com/technology/united-states-has-lost-ai-battle-china-pentagons-ex-software-chief-says-2021-10-11/?utm_source=sfmc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2759998_Agenda_weekly-15October2021&utm_term=&emailType=Agenda%20Weekly.


21.     Puybaraud M. Could hybrid working usher in a golden age for workers? 2021 World Economic Forum. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/01/hybrid-working-golden-age-of-the-worker.


22.     Are you ready for hybrid workplaces? 2021 World Economic Forum. URL: https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/are-you-ready-for-the-hybrid-workplace.


23.     Sagey M. Remote work carries massive cyber risks. These top IT tips can help keep your workers secure. 2021 World Economic Forum. URL: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/09/remote-work-cyber-risks-top-it-tips-keep-your-workers-secure.


24.     The Rise of Remote Workers: A Checklist for Securing Your Network. URL: https://i.crn.com/sites/default/files/ckfinderimages/userfiles/images/




25.     Kovacs E. Gartner: Global Security Spending Will Reach $150 Billion in 2021. SecurityWeek. 25.05.2021. URL: https://www.securityweek.com/gartner-global-security-spending-will-reach-150-billion-2021.


26.     2021 Norton Cyber Safety Insights Report. https://www.nortonlifelock.com/ us/en/newsroom/press-kits/2021-norton-cyber-safety-insights-report.


27.     2021 AWS Cloud Security Report. https://connect.fidelissecurity.com/rs/884-ZRZ-648/images/2021-AWS-Security-Report-CloudPassage-Final.pdf?mkt_tok=ODg0LVpSWi02NDgAAAGAKIUMbWC6Vd1WHctdFLm5fSnZNg9rQlroP_zZsDK2IDYsjQ7RGZEYwibqq9aCsWN7f6LFaiISy2hs93ogE-giY4JpnKagJfBxVuaqq8uS-ycO.


28.     Androshchuk H. Shtuchnyi intelekt: ekonomika, intelektualna vlasnist, zahrozy. Teoriia i praktyka intelektualnoi vlasnosti. 2021. № 2. S. 56−74.





